Monday, April 29, 2013

this photo is composed using:
- the perspective composition
- small aperture
- slow shutter speed

this photo is composed using:
- the golden rule composition
- large aperture
- fast shutter speed
this photo is composed using:
- the golden rule composition
- small aperture
- slow shutter speed

- framing

- leading lines
- patterns and repetition
 - perspective
- rule of thirds
- the golden rule

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1)    This is an evening football game. Even though the players are in motion they are all clear and in focus, what does that tell us about the shutter speed (fast or slow)? (1pt)

The clarity of the photo tells us that a fast shutter speed was used     



2)    Given the shutter speed needed to keep the players in focus and remembering that this is an evening game what do you think is a more likely F/Stop 4 or 16. Why? (3 pts)

The photo is more likely to have an aperture of 4 so that more light can come into the



3)    Given the answer you gave to question #2 what would you expect the depth of field to be in this photo (short or long) (1pt)

Given from the answer to question #2 I would expect this photo to have a short depth
of field


4)    If this game was played on a sunny afternoon day but you still wanted the action stopped or frozen, what would you have to do the aperture? (1pt)

You would have to set a lower aperture so that your photo doesn’t get over exposed


1.)  Does this photo have a short depth of field or long depth of field? Given the depth of field what is a more likely F/Stop or Aperture 4 or 16? (2pts)

This photo has a long depth of field and is more likely to have an aperture of 4


2.)  The person walking in the background is also in focus. Given that there is no motion blur what would be a more likely shutter speed 1/30 or 1/250? (1pt)

The shutter speed is more likely to be 1/250           


3.)  Given what we know from question #1 and #2 do you think that this picture was taken on a very bright day or an overcast day? (1pt)

Given from the answers of questions #1 and #2 I think this photo was taken on a bright day


4.)  If we wanted the person in the background to show motion blur what should be done to the shutter speed? (3pts)

If we wanted this we should have decreased the shutter speed


5.)  If we change the shutter speed we also need to change the aperture. Why? (3pts)

So that the amount coming into the camera is balanced and the photo doesn’t get over exposed or under exposed


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

In relation to light, what does the shutter speed determine?

The shutter speed determines how much light will hit the image sensor

What is the shutter speed generally used to control?

The shutter speed generally controls the movement

What effects can different shutter speeds create?

Fast shutter speeds creates more detailed images than slow shutter speeds

Explain the difference between large and small apertures?

The depth of the image depends on the aperture

What is depth of field?

The depth of field is how much of the image is focused

What effect does a small aperture and large aperture have?

Large apertures are less in-depth whereas small apertures are more in-depth

Explain the relationship between ISO and light sensitivity?

The ISO determines how sensitive the light sensor is

What is ‘noise’ grain?

Noise grained images look grainy

Explain what “each element does not work in isolation” means?

The shutter speed, aperture and ISO all work together

Explain the Exposure Triangle?

Slow shutter speed + small aperture = correct exposure

Fast shutter speed + large aperture = correct exposure

- S. :)