Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1)    This is an evening football game. Even though the players are in motion they are all clear and in focus, what does that tell us about the shutter speed (fast or slow)? (1pt)

The clarity of the photo tells us that a fast shutter speed was used     



2)    Given the shutter speed needed to keep the players in focus and remembering that this is an evening game what do you think is a more likely F/Stop 4 or 16. Why? (3 pts)

The photo is more likely to have an aperture of 4 so that more light can come into the



3)    Given the answer you gave to question #2 what would you expect the depth of field to be in this photo (short or long) (1pt)

Given from the answer to question #2 I would expect this photo to have a short depth
of field


4)    If this game was played on a sunny afternoon day but you still wanted the action stopped or frozen, what would you have to do the aperture? (1pt)

You would have to set a lower aperture so that your photo doesn’t get over exposed

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